Benefits of Tai Chi
Tai Chi Chuan (also written as TaiJi Quan, T'ai Chi Ch'uan, or Taijiquan) is an internal style of martial arts that teaches mental focus, while emphasizing coordination, balance, relaxation, and proper breathing. When practiced properly, Tai Chi can be an effective form of self-defense. At all levels, Tai Chi is said to regulate the central nervous system and helps prevent stress, high blood pressure, and heart problems.
Although Tai Chi appears to be slow moving and effortless, it actually provides many of the physical benefits of other types of exercise. You get the strength benefits of weight lifting, the flexibility improvement of yoga, the core strength improvement of Pilates, and it is even equivalent to moderate aerobics! Best of all, it is a low impact form of exercise easily adapted to any age or fitness level while providing many health benefits.
While there are many aspects of Tai Chi, three aspects will be mentioned here -- the Form, the Self Defense and the Chi-- and how they benefit your health physically, mentally and emotionally.

Tai Chi Form
A series of 108 postures to be carried out into one single fluid movement.
How It Works
1. Uses different groups of muscles at the same time.
2. Uses all parts of body: head, neck, shoulders, back, waist, arms, legs, elbows, wrists, fingers, knees, ankles, toes, joints.
3. Uses large motor skills; e.g.: make circles with whole body.
4. Uses fine motor skills; e.g.: make small circles with hands.
5. Uses proper joint alignment.
6. Uses proper posture in standing, moving and shifting weight.
7. Uses both sides of brain.
8. Uses slow movements.
9. Involves multi tasking of the entire body.
1. Your mind stays active; preventing memory loss.
2. Improves ability to concentrate and stay focused.
3. Improves blood circulation.
4. Prevents/lowers high blood pressure.
5. Reduces stress, anxiety, depression and other mental sickness.
6. Improves behaviors of people with ADD/ADHD.
7. Increases patience and self confidence.
8. Builds bone density; preventing osteoporosis.
9. Promotes strong bones, developed muscles, flexible joints, good balance and proper postures to help prevent falls and injuries.
10. Slow movements allow the following to happen: a.) Good coordination.
b). Precise positions. c.) Accurate performance. d.) Internal organs are massaged. e.) Smooth, flowing movements.
11. Slow movements and proper joint alignment allow for the following:
1. Less stress on joints.
2. Relaxed muscles.
3. Calm and clear mind.
4. Chi or Vital Energy to flow through whole body and prevent sickness.
5. Appropriate exercise for people with Arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, or people who have had a stroke.
Self Defense
The use of Tai Chi movements to absorb and neutralize incoming force, and to upset the opponent’s balance.
How It Works
Like the Form, the Self Defense does the following:
1. Uses different groups of muscles at the same time.
2. Uses all parts of body: head, neck, shoulders, back, waist, arms, legs, elbows, wrists, fingers, knees, ankles, toes, joints.
3. Uses large motor skills; e.g.: make large circles with whole body.
4. Uses fine motor skills; e.g.: make small circles with a twist of the hand.
5. Uses proper joint alignment.
6. Uses of proper postures in standing, moving and shifting weight.
7. Uses both sides of brain.
8. Uses slow moves.
9. Uses no force.
10. Involves multi tasking of the whole body.
1. Understanding the reasons for the postures.
2. Staying calm in critical times.
3. Conserving energy.
4. Improving speed and timing of reactions.
5. Preventing falls and injuries.
6. Slow movements allowing the following to happen: a.) Precise positions. b.) Accurate performance. c.) Good coordination.
d.) Smooth, flowing movements. e.) Becoming sensitive to weight shift and loss of balance.
7. Slow movements and proper joint alignment allowing the following to happen:
Less stress on joints.
Relaxed muscles.
Smooth flow of Chi or Vital Energy.